
February 9, 2013 - Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year!  On behalf of all of us at Reel Asian, we wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Snake.  To find Lunar New Year events happening around the city, be sure to check out the events listing on Reel Asian's blog.
New year, new look!  Thank you to everyone who came out to support Reel Asian in 2012!  We look forward to sharing our 2013 initiatives with you very soon including our Spring fundraiser, May Asian Heritage Month event and the highly anticipated fun-filled summer Asian night markets.  Looks like you'll have lots of Reel Asian activities to keep you busy year-round before our next festival.  Stay tuned...
Win a pair of tickets to see The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate at TIFF Lightbox on Sat Feb 16, 10:00pm. Email contests@reelasian.com with your name, phone, subject SHOGUN and answer to the question: "What year was this film produced?". Contest closes Feb 13.
Win a pair of tickets to see The Woman from the Sea at TIFF Lightbox on Sat Feb 23, 10:00pm. Email contests@reelasian.comwith your name, phone, subject WOMAN and answer to the question: "What is the name of Tamio Kawachi's character?". Contest closes Feb 20.
Win a pair of tickets to see Tokyo Drifter at TIFF Lightbox on Sat Mar 2, 10:00pm. Emailcontests@reelasian.com with your name, phone, subject DRIFTER and answer to the question: "Who directed Tokyo Drifter?". Contest closes Feb 27.
TIFF Tokyo Drifters
TIFF Japanese Divas
The Scene, a play by Nina Lee Aquino
Chinese Cultural Ctr Chinese New Year
Japanese Film lecture series with Chris Magee
Harbourfront LunarFest
Chinatown BIA Chinese New Year
Cinema Kabuki
Reel Artists Film Festival
Human Rights Watch Film Festival
POV Magazine 25th Anniversary Party
Women in Film & Television Toronto
LA Asian Pacific Film Festival
Scarborough Arts
Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
anadian Film Centre's Reel Challenge
Inside Out
Planet in Focus
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival®. Canada's Premier Pan-Asian Film Festival. 
The 17th Annual Edition call for submissions will open March 2013.
The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Telefilm, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Media Development Corporation and the Department of Canadian Heritage.
© Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival. All rights reserved. "Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival" and "Reel Asian" are registered trademarks of Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival.
Reel Asian Charitable # 87002 1383 RR 0001  
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival
401 Richmond St. W. Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3A8
416 703 9333 | reelasian.com | online@reelasian.com.  
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