솔직히 말해서 PEI에서 겨울에 Jack Frost Festival 빼고는 별로 없는줄 알았다.

이벤트가...ㅎㅎ 근데 이렇게 데코만으로도 이벤트가 가능하다느걸 알았다.

크리스마스 기간때는 우리나라랑 다르게 많은 라이트를 데코 하는데..그중에 음악이랑..같이 

반짝이는 쇼를 볼 수 있는 곳이 있다.

샬럿타운에서 차를 타고 한 10~15분정도만 가면되는 거리!!!

솔직히 말하면..집하나만 하는 이벤트라서 별로 쓸말은 없고..

그냥 사진하고 동영상 구경하세요^^

아 그리고 도네이션 박스!!! 기부 박스와

집 옆에는 어디서 후원을 해주는지 알수 있는 알림판!!!

Dec 22 2011 - 1:25pm

Hundreds of people have enjoyed the Christmas light show in Beacon Hill subdivision in Stratford. This extraordinary Christmas light show is presented in aid of the P.E.I Heart and Stroke Foundation. Last year, Landon Holmes and his family raised more than $4,000 for Heart and Stroke; this year they hope to raise even more. The money raised comes from donations from people who make the trip to 13 Beacon Hill Drive and enjoy the show. There are more than 30,000 LED lights which are synched to Christmas music, flashing on and off during the 20 minute show.

1. Turn south from the Trans-Canada Highway onto the Kinlock Rd at the Sobeys, Home Hardware intersection.
2. Proceed to the stop sign at the intersection with the Stratford Road, continue straight.
3. Drive about 1km, up the hill past Fox Meadows Golf Course and watch for the Beacon Hill subdivision sign.
4. Turn right at the sign, onto MacLauchlan Drive.
5. The Christmas light display is just up the street at the intersection with Beacon Hill Drive

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